What’s Up With The Book?

A little book update for you today!

I have some drafts written for a few chapters, but more importantly I have a robust outline and a whiteboard that rivals the chalkboards in “A Beautiful Mind.” Our dining room has officially been transformed into Book-Writing Central! I took a leap of faith and signed up for a writers conference happening this summer, and along with it comes appointments with publishers to pitch my book. My goal is to have a book proposal (a fancy word for the legible version of the Beautiful Mind whiteboard) and four chapters written by the conference.

It’s not a fast process, not even for an over-achiever like me.  When I tell people “I’m writing a book”, I think that’s a much more active phrase than the process really is! But after attending Fellowship Church’s annual C3 Conference this year, I’ve never felt more called that sharing my story is what I’m supposed to do, and I know that He will bring all the pieces together in just the right timing.

So for your amusement, here’s our current dining room decor. I call it “Serial-Killer-Chic”.


  1. Cathi Patton | 24th Feb 20

    If anyone can do it, you will do it. You are amazing!

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