Category: Tris, 5s, and Spartans!

Another Accomplishment!

This weekend I earned my Wonder Woman medal! 🤣 This was a virtual 5k where you sign up, receive all the swag, but actually run the 5k on your own time and record it. Ok fine, you’re just paying to have a cool medal and no one really knows if you actually run or not. Sssshhhh. They have all sorts of different hobbies and themes of medals to lure you…

I Did It!

I was so excited to finish my 5k last Saturday, I only celebrated by posting into Facebook and I forgot to post it here! So for those who follow on CB only, I did actually survive the race and it was awesome! I finished in 40:09 but more importantly I ran the whole thing without stopping! It was an awesome accomplishment and I’m already looking forward to…

Yeah, That Happened…

Today’s goal = 2.5 miles. Today’s result = 3.1 without stopping. I gotcha on the ropes, cancer…

Cancer Won’t Define Me

I posted this on Facebook so apologies for the repeat for some of you, but I know there are many who only follow me on CaringBridge so I can’t let you miss out! I know you wait with baited breath to hear more updates on my life 😉 Cancer does not and will not define me. I’m running a 5K on Oct 20! Because there are other things in…

Guess What I Did Today…

Ya’ll. Today…I RAN. ON THE TREADMILL. FOR FIVE WHOLE MINUTES. THIS IS HUGE. There’s a lot of reasons why you might think this is an accomplishment, and you’d be right about them all. But it’s not just an accomplishment because I’m currently going through chemotherapy and I’m supposed to be laid up on the couch, because…