The Divine is in the Details

Read: Numbers 20:7-12

This is a tough verse to read – after so many years of faithfulness and leading the Israelites, this one small act that lacked full obedience meant that Moses can’t enter the Promised Land? It doesn’t seem like the punishment fits the crime. But this story has a familiar ring to it…

There is a similar story that occurred about 40 years earlier in Exodus 17. Let’s compare the two narratives…in both stories, the Israelites were complaining for lack of water as they were on their journey to the Promised Land.

The first time, Moses told the people “why do you put the Lord to the test?” and the Lord’s instructions to Moses were “Strike the rock, and water will come out of it for the people to drink” and we read that is exactly what he did. But this second time, God told Moses to speak to the rock. Moses did not follow these new  instructions, but instead struck the rock just as he did the first time.

Something else is different this second time around too…this second time as Moses responds to the people, he says of himself and Aaron “must we bring you water out of this rock?”


This tiny two-letter word reveals a major difference in Moses’s heart – this second time around, Moses gives credit to himself, not to God. This second time around Moses basically says to God “been here, seen this, I know what to do” and he did not listen to God and the specific command meant for today.  In his pride, his assumption, he applied yesterday’s revelation to today’s situation, and as a result he completely missed out on the purpose and the blessing that God had intended for him.

Have you ever seen God work in your life, then later you rely on that revelation from yesterday to get you through today’s situation? I know I have often settled today for the Word that He had for me yesterday. But God’s Word is living and active and He speaks to us uniquely and in exactly the way and method we need for the immediate time, place, and situation we find ourselves in right now. Yet all too often we think we know what He is going to say or do and effectively say “I got this, Lord”.

In what areas of your life are you applying yesterday’s revelation to today’s situation? And what can you do differently to hear a fresh Word from God today? God’s mercies are new every morning. He is speaking, listen closely so you don’t miss the subtle details and nuances that are different from yesterday. Don’t allow pride or complacency to say “I’ve got this” and as a result, completely miss out on the purpose and the blessing He has in store for you today.


  1. Diane | 18th May 20

    This was great Crys. Very convicting. So glad we now live in an age of grace. If not for God’s Grace we would all forfeit His promises.

    • crys.gorman | 18th May 20

      So true!

  2. Deborah Malags | 20th May 20

    Great post. Everytime I read your writings, I feel so blessed that God allowed us to cross paths. WE get in our own way so MANY times. Thankfully, God has ways to get our attention TODAY and EVERY DAY if we will just listen!!!!

    • crys.gorman | 20th May 20

      I feel the same way Deb!

  3. Sandy Corey | 20th May 20

    This is so true Crys! Thank you for showing this illustration! It was perfect!

    • crys.gorman | 20th May 20

      I’m so glad it was helpful to you!

  4. Sharla | 22nd May 20

    This story is a great reminder to always lean into God. He is looking for obedience.

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