Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone!

I continue to find myself overwhelmed with thankfulness and gratitude over these last few weeks, as so many little things remind me of where I was and what I was doing this time last year.

This time last year I was still going through chemo, I was missing my hair and my health, and still facing months of radiation and surgeries ahead. Somehow it seems like just yesterday and also a thousand years away at the same time. It almost seems foreign to think this year might hold some “normalcy” again, but the glimpses of it are already there.

The blog has been quiet over the last few weeks because this year, we have been enjoying a simple, restorative Christmas that rests in the thankfulness and gratitude of what God has done in our lives and what He will continue to do.

But I’ve been writing in the background and the new year will bring new updates and new stories of what God has been laying on my heart during this season, and I’m looking forward to sharing it with you.

In the meantime, I wish you the very best of everything the Christmas season has to offer!



  1. Deborah Malaga | 27th Dec 19

    The boys loved their nutcrackers. Brett (the oldest). said to tell you he LOVES the nutcracker and he hopes your health just gets “better and better”. He says he will also be praying for you. Cayden (the youngest) says that he likes the nutcracker and is going to pray for you EVERY NIGHT!!!

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