Guest Post: Your School House Rocks!

My husband Matt had a great Word for parents and a unique perspective on this strange time of COVID quarantine, so I thought it was the perfect opportunity for my first guest post! Check this out, you won’t be disappointed! – Crys

This statement was in my morning devotional on the YouVersion Bible app reading plan:

“The leaders of tomorrow sit in the schoolrooms of the world today. They need to know that there is a God who loves them and that there is hope for tomorrow. They need God’s Word. If we will reach them, we can change the world.”

As the world faces the current situation with COVID-19, our schoolrooms are now empty, and homes around the nation, and world, have become homeschool rooms. And along with the spaces at home now sharing functionality, the parent shares the role as their child’s teacher.

While this may not be an ideal scenario for many families, I believe it’s an important one at this specific time in our history. Why? Because the Christian faith, the one this country was founded on, has been under attack within the public school system. Entities and people have tried at a feverish rate to separate and extract it from the daily lives of children while at a public school.

But not right now. Nope, you can’t force God out of the conversation in schools right now. No, at this time the opposite is true. Parents, who are now the superintendent, principal and teacher of their homeschools, can and should, weave the truth of God’s Word into every conversation and subject. Yes, EVERY lesson. Into history class, sharing that history started with “In the beginning God created…” Which should roll right into, yes, science class. Where you can freely explain how science reveals the awesomeness and creativity of a creative God. In social studies you help children understand that God has given each of us unique gifts to help others and in turn improving life through love and generosity.

You can even pray at any time of your choosing while at homeschool. Before the beginning of the day – yep! Before every class – you betcha! Out loud every lunch and snack break – Go for it! It’s all up to you parent, I mean teacher, or maybe we should just call you a pareacher, a parent who is teaching their child God’s truths.

May I could be so bold as to recommend you add one additional class to your child’s daily schedule which is not currently offered throughout all schools? The Bible 101. Yes, take some time and sit down with your children and read God’s Word, out loud, together. A good starting place is the Gospels. Starting with the book of Matthew. Then simply let your children ask questions. “But what if they ask a question I don’t know the answer to?” you may ask. That’s OK! Don’t feel pressured to make up the answer, just let them know you don’t know, but you can find someone who does. Notice I didn’t suggest you say “let’s Google it and find out.” Please don’t Google it. While there are some great resources out there, there’s also lots of sources that aren’t fully based on the Biblical truth. Instead, call your local church and ask to speak to a pastor. I’m telling you, as a children’s pastor, I’m hoping you will call. Every children’s pastor WANTS to help give you the answer so you can share it with your child yourself. Shake off the feeling of looking foolish for not knowing and let down your pride. Will you do that? I knew you would.

In closing, my prayer for you parents is that during this unique time in our history the core lesson your child learned while in homeschool is the one I referenced from my morning devotional at the beginning of this post. Don’t scroll up to look again, I’ll leave it right here for you.

“They need to know that there is a God who loves them and that there is hope for tomorrow. They need God’s Word…”

Keep it up parents! Your role as parent, and now teacher matters. Take full advantage of this gift of time and greater daily influence to raise up your child to become a Christ-led leader in this generation that is positioned to make an eternal impact for God’s Kingdom.

Have a great day – PAREACHER!

-Matt Gorman

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  1. David Sietsma | 30th Mar 20

    Amen Matt !

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