Category: My Cancer Journey

Feel It on the First!

I usually post to my blog on Tuesdays, but I saved this week’s post for today because it’s a special day…

It’s My Birthday!

I have always loved celebrating my birthday (who doesn’t?) but since beating cancer, birthdays now have an added layer of meaning. The fact that I am blessed with another year of life is definitely something worth celebrating…

Exciting News!

We all need to be brave – at work, in our parenting, and facing our fears. We need to be brave to face the curveballs life throws at us, and to become the person we want to be – the person God made us to be!

I’m honored to be…

What’s Up With The Book?

A little book update for you today! I have a few chapter drafts written, but more importantly I have a robust outline and a whiteboard that rivals the chalkboards in “A Beautiful Mind.” Our dining room has officially been transformed into Book-Writing Central! I took a leap of faith and…

Health Updates & New Treatments

In the continuing saga of “Crys Beats Cancer”, the new year brings new treatments to keep all things cancer far away from all things Gorman.

One thing I didn’t know prior to being diagnosed is that all cancer is not the same; I thought cancer was cancer. I mean, I knew there were different kinds of cancer like breast cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, that sort of thing. But…

What I Want Every Survivor to Know

There’s something that every Survivor wishes everyone around them could know.

But there’s something that I want every Survivor to know…no, it isn’t over, but it can still be ok. In fact, life can…and will…be great again, despite the unexpected “new normal” you are navigating through today…