Following IVF, we immediately turned our focus and attention to battling the Big “C”, as I underwent a double mastectomy, aggressive chemo, radiation, and several surgeries. While that was the darkest and most difficult 18 months of my entire life, I am excited to say that I am currently cancer-free! God worked incredible miracles during that time and He now is taking a season of pain and using it for His purpose. Matt and I have re-entered “normal” life and even more exciting, we have found ourselves dreaming about the future again. Healthy and back on our feet, we are ready to return to those frozen embryos that have been so patiently waiting for us to finish this fight.
But there’s a catch – my breast cancer was estrogen & progesterone positive, meaning those hormones are actually what causes my cancer to grow. Unfortunately, that means it is not safe for me to become pregnant. Doing so, along with the required IVF treatments, would release increased estrogen into my body, making way for a heightened risk of cancer returning and metastasizing. This is why we need to receive the help of a surrogate in order to bring our embryos into the world. We’ve spoken with an agency and they have shared that the minimum cost to expect is $75,000, assuming there are no surprises or issues along the way. Insert deer-in-the-headlights-eyes here!
As a result, Matt and I are committing ourselves to a season of prayer in this area, and we’d be humbled and honored if you would join us. I am convinced that one of the only reasons I was able to make it through cancer was because of the prayers from you, our friends and family, and we believe He can do it again! Here are our specific requests;
Thank you for praying with us. Jesus is the WayMaker and we pray in faith that He will make a way! We can’t wait for the day when we can share with our future child their special story of life and just how many people were involved in bringing him or her into the world!
The blog has been a little quiet lately and when it comes to our IVF…
October 11, 2021
Tony Boulton | 15th Dec 20
Praying for God’s guidance, revelation, and blessings, for you both.
Crystal Williams | 15th Dec 20
Praying for y’all!
Audrey Morrison | 15th Dec 20
Crys, I am praying with you and Matt in all of this! Peace to both of you in this new season and whatever adventure the Lord brings to you! Have a glorious Christmas together!

Robin | 15th Dec 20
Our daughter is a surrogate and it has been an intense, beautiful journey to walk alongside her.
If you would like more information, please contact me at:
Barbara marler | 20th Dec 20
Praying for Gods will!