Chemo Round 2 Coming Up

Well I’ve done a terrible job of keeping y’all updated lately! But I continue to have few physical side effects and other than some lower than desired blood counts last week, my body is holding up pretty well. Tomorrow (Friday) is the next round of chemo and I would certainly appreciate everyone’s prayers that I continue to respond so well, experience minimal side effects, and that all the blood counts stay where we like them.

I’m also in the phase of losing my hair, so please pray for all the emotions one would expect to come with that. And when you start seeing me in the hats and scarves, tell me how fabulous I look. 😉
(My vacuum cleaner would also like prayers as it’s working overtime this week…we thought 4 animals meant a lot of hair on the floor?…enter Crys…)

I’ll write a more detailed update again soon…perhaps tomorrow while I have several hours on my hands ! But for now, please keep up the prayers and words of encouragement because they are still very much necessary. Our village keeps us going!

Round 2, here we come!