Category: Survivorship

You Can Hope & Hurt at the Same Time

Just because you carry the burden well doesn’t mean it isn’t heavy. Too often we think that because we hurt, we must have lost hope, or because we have hope, that means it shouldn’t hurt. It can be both…

It’s My Birthday!

I have always loved celebrating my birthday (who doesn’t?) but since beating cancer, birthdays now have an added layer of meaning. The fact that I am blessed with another year of life is definitely something worth celebrating…

8 Things I Want Breast Cancer Survivors to Know

I wish beating cancer meant it’s back to “life as usual”, but it’s just not. Dealing with the “new normal”, whatever that means, doesn’t come with an instruction manual…

And Now for Something Completely Different…

Today’s blog comes from the magic of video! Check it out on my new “official” facebook page here! &nbsp…

How to Make Working From Home Not Suck

What strange times we find ourselves in! Thank goodness for the blessing of technology that allows us to stay connected with friends, family, church, and work while riding out a quarantine! And while spending the day in your pajamas working from home SOUNDS like a great idea, like all things we glamourize, it’s not always all it’s cracked up to be.

I’ve been working from home for…

What I Want Every Survivor to Know

There’s something that every Survivor wishes everyone around them could know.

But there’s something that I want every Survivor to know…no, it isn’t over, but it can still be ok. In fact, life can…and will…be great again, despite the unexpected “new normal” you are navigating through today…