Category: Health Updates

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27 to go…

The Next Step Begins Tomorrow

Well friends, I’ve taken a few weeks off from the updates because I’ve been resting and enjoying my “break” between chemo and radiation, but that ends tomorrow! Tomorrow (Monday the 28th) begins 6 weeks of radiation. The lame news is that I’ll have to go to the doctor for treatments daily, except for weekends. The better news is that side effects should…

Chemo Finito…What’s Next?

As you know, my last chemo treatment was on December 28th! Below is the video of me ringing the bell and Matt’s surprise for me at the end! So what’s next? Well this Thursday the 10th I have a surgery scheduled to remove the port that was needed for chemo. While surgery is always surgery, this one shouldn’t be a big deal. In fact…


Tomorrow is my LAST CHEMO TREATMENT. I get a little teary just thinking about it. Around 12:30 tomorrow I’ll be ringing the bell…

Chemo Isn’t Scary (And other things I wish someone told me)

In case you missed it on the interwebs today…

Radiation Update & 4 More Chemos! (Is “chemos” a word?)

Well surprisingly enough, we ALREADY heard back from insurance about radiation- it’s like a new record! Turns out they only approved the “regular” route of radiation and denied the proton therapy. I’m a little bummed, but as I said in my last post, the results are the same and both will give me the same chances of this never returning again. We prayed that God would be in…