Well I’ve done a terrible job of keeping y’all updated lately! But I continue to have few physical side effects and other than some lower than desired blood counts last week, my body is holding up pretty well. Tomorrow (Friday) is the next round of chemo and I would certainly appreciate everyone’s prayers that I continue to respond so well, experience minimal side effects, and that all the blood counts stay where we like them. I’m also in the phase of losing my hair, so please pray for all the emotions one would expect…
Ya’ll. Today…I RAN. ON THE TREADMILL. FOR FIVE WHOLE MINUTES. THIS IS HUGE. There’s a lot of reasons why you might think this is an accomplishment, and you’d be right about them all. But it’s not just an accomplishment because I’m currently going through chemotherapy and I’m supposed to be laid up on the couch, because that wasn’t going to stop me if I could help it. It’s also not just an accomplishment because it’s been 8 weeks to the…
We had a follow up appointment with my oncologist yesterday and heard these two words…Cancer Free! She shared with us that not only did the surgery get the entire mass and nothing was left behind, including the infamous affected lymph nodes, but secondly and equally important, the results of the bone scan and CT scan showed no evidence of anything having spread anywhere else. Which means, we can confidently say at this point that my body is cancer free and I am in remission! It’s a weird thing to think of because the road before us…