Another Accomplishment!

This weekend I earned my Wonder Woman medal! 🤣 This was a virtual 5k where you sign up, receive all the swag, but actually run the 5k on your own time and record it.

Ok fine, you’re just paying to have a cool medal and no one really knows if you actually run or not. Sssshhhh.

They have all sorts of different hobbies and themes of medals to lure you in and target your Facebook feed. It’s a genius business plan! I never gave in until I saw this Wonder Woman theme, and of course I had to do it. Call me a sucker!

Either way, ain’t no medals going on my wall I didn’t earn! I signed up towards the end of last year, and while I kept working out, I kinda stopped running towards the end of chemo, so this has been sitting in the wrapper staring at me since then. So this past Saturday I laced up the running shoes and hit the pavement. I had to stop for some walking breaks a few times, and the athlete in me was frustrated by that. But the survivor in me reminds me to be patient and we’ll get back to the place of beating PRs soon enough. Starting again is a win, and now I get to hang this cool…earned…medal on my wall to remind me to keep pushing towards the finish line!

The moral of this story is…
1) Sometimes it’s ok to buy the goofy Facebook ad.
2) Recovery, whether physical or emotional, requires patience. Allow for the walking breaks.
3) Running stinks. Unless someone’s going to give you a cool medal at the end. It still stinks, but a little less.